Gold by Kim Kardashian

 68931WOk, I am going to come right out and say it, I am not the biggest fan of Kim Kardashian nor her media hungry, fame seeking family.

I could have opted to take the easy way out and say that the scent closely resembled her personal choices in life (hint, hint, hint) and moved onto the next perfume without even bothering to open the bottle but that would have defeated the purpose of my writings and would have been unfair. Nevertheless, I did open the bottle and did try the perfume and am reporting that Gold by Kim Kardashian is absolutely amazing!

The tag line for this fragrance is “Transcend Ordinary”, and I hate to say it but it definitely does. It is a rich and full scent that is sophisticated and glamorous. It begins with a sharp citrus followed by a bouquet of exotic flowers resting on soft woods with gentle musk lingering in the background. I am thinking this would be a good perfume for hot and steamy summer days and evenings as the strong citrus would keep things fresh, however, having said that, it would also work for winter as it has some dark and sexy undertones. It reminds me a lot of Angel by Theirry Mugler as well as Burberry London—but it is strong enough to stand on its own.

What can I say, Gold is definitely a winner and I need to stop judging perfumes by their creator…